Carole Butler
I joined the business in 1994 after leaving the Inland Revenue (HMRC). I have over 30 years taxation experience and am involved in all aspects of the business. I have enjoyed meeting and helping a variety of clients and their businesses over the last 21 years.
In my spare time I enjoy watching Bristol City FC, going to concerts and spending time with my children and grandson.

Alison Allen
I went straight into practice at 18 as an accounts junior, gaining a vast range of knowledge along the way. After the birth of my second child I had the opportunity to work for P B Accountancy as they expanded from their home into an office. I have been instrumental in all aspects of the business since 1998 and pride myself on giving the best possible service to clients at all times.
I have been involved in musical theatre since the age of 5; although nowadays it is in a supporting role to my children.

Karen McAuliffe, MAAT
I joined P B Accountancy on a temporary basis in 2004 and still here all these years later! I’m now MAAT qualified and have been involved in most aspects of work here over the years. I now spend most of the time bookkeeping, preparing sole trade and partnership accounts and preparing tax returns. I also deal with limited company incorporations and company secretarial duties along with dealing with any general queries you may have. My speciality is trouble-shooting clients who have fallen into arrears with their bookkeeping for one reason or another. These cases can be challenging but there is a great sense of achievement once they are up to date.

Helen Aldridge
I joined P B Accountancy more than 20 years ago after working in the Inland Revenue for over 16 years. I have used the expertise and knowledge gained to work in various departments within the office. I manage the payroll bureau for all payroll clients and am responsible for ensuring all deadlines are met.
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