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Tax Enquiries and Investigations

Need help fighting the Taxman?

It is an unfortunate fact of business life that you may well come under enquiry by HMRC through no fault of your own or of your accountant. HMRC now investigates businesses at random as well as for specific reasons. A full investigation is not a pleasant experience for anyone. Without expert defence it is possible to get trampled all over.

If you are selected at random, you need an accountant who knows how HMRC works and thinks and is prepared to fight your case. We make sure that Taxman keeps to their own internal guidelines and don’t over step the mark. We will talk you through the enquiry process and what to expect and support you throughout.

The Penalties

There are various penalties HMRC can seek to impose following an enquiry for undeclared income. As well as having to pay the tax, you can find them seeking penalties up to an amount equal to the tax, so doubling your tax bill. Interest on the late payment of the tax is also part of the arrangement – not a pleasant experience. We can help you minimise these penalties.

Next Step:

Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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